Eudaimonism: Our Philosophy

FOR’s philosophy

The name of our philosophy is Eudaimonism. Here is an outline of FOR’s philosophy:

1.    Metaphysics

FOR holds that only the natural world exists and is real. Our position is to be contrasted with the view, typical of faith-based moral communities, that there are two realms—the natural and the supernatural.

2.    Epistemology

Man’s senses are valid. Man is capable of learning about the world through her senses, observations, science, reason, and logic. Our position is to be contrasted with the view, typical of faith-based moral communities, that there is a special class of people (prophets) who receive private communications (revelation) from a supernatural realm.

3.    The Nature of man

Man’s means of survival is her reasoning mind. The mind exists only in the individual. In order for the mind to function, it must be free of compulsion. An adult human being is responsible for herself. She lives and achieves happiness by producing values. She has judgment. She is responsible for her own life. Man is a social being and living in society requires the virtues of benevolence and justice. Our position is to be contrasted with the view, typical of faith-based moral communities, that man is at the mercy of fate, an evil nature, or brute circumstances and must rely for salvation upon providence or grace.

4.    Ethics

The goal of ethics is a happy life on earth. In order to achieve life, happiness, and flourishing, an adult human being must produce values. Each person ought to find those activities in life that she does with passion and excellence and do those acts. This process we call heroic engagement with life. Rationality, productivity, pride, honesty, integrity, justice, independence, courage, magnanimity, moderation, and prudence are among the moral virtues. Our position is to be contrasted with the view, typical of faith-based moral communities, that one need obey certain divine orders in order to achieve bliss in an afterlife.

5.    Politics

Rights are conditions of existence of the individual in society. Every person ought to have the right to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Human beings should live with one another by voluntary trade and not by force or fraud. FOR is not a political organization.

6.    Aesthetics

Art serves to guide and inspire human beings in life and living.